Honours Essay Supervisor
Student | Title | Institution | Completed |
Jill Campbell | Ethnic Conflict and Political Institutions in Sri Lanka | St Mary’s U | 2005 |
L. Kris Mclellan | Dependency Theory and the Politics of Sri Lankan Independence | St Mary’s U | 2005 |
Trisha MacLean | Global and Local: Social Movements and Anti-Dam? Campaigns | St Mary’s U | 2007 |
Patrick Kane | Alternative Energy Technologies and Development in India | St Mary’s U | 2007 |
Masters Theses Supervisor or Co-Advisor?
Student | Title | Institution | Completed |
Geoff Peters | Alternative Energy Policy in India | St Mary’s U | 2006 |
Tara Tracy | Papas, Plaguicidas y Personas (Potatoes, Pesticides and People): The Farmer Field School Methodology and Human Health in Ecuador | St Mary’s U | 2007 |
Graham Epstein | Compliance and fisheries co-management: An investigation of a novel fisheries management regime in Lake Malawi | U of Guelph | 2008 |
Meredith Davis | Farmers’ Engagement with the Local Food Movement: A Case Study of Waterloo, Ontario | U of Guelph | 2010 |
Morgan Boyco | Political Opportunity and Public Participation: EIA In Northern Canada and South Africa | U of Guelph | 2010 |
Julie Self | The World Bank’s Framework for Service Provision: The Case of the Water Kiosks of the Zambian Commercialised Utilities | St Mary’s U | 2010 |
Mehreen Khalfan | Linking Smallholders with Trans-National? Agribusiness through Contract Farming: Pro-Poor? Growth or Dependency? A Gender-Differentiated? Study of Equity,Poverty, and Food Security Outcomes in Tanzanian Peasant Communities | St Mary’s U | 2012 |
Kerri Garner | CBNRM in Botswana:The Failure of CBNRM for the Indigenous San, the Village of Xai Xai and the Wildlife of Botswana | U of Guelph | 2012 |
Melissa Ricci | Land Restitution in Colombia: Progressive policy and political opportunity | U of Guelph | 2012 |
Feinan Long | The Water Transfer System in Southern Alberta: Scope and Implications for a Future Provincial Water Market | U of Guelph | 2012 |
Ryan Deska | Interjurisdictional Collaboration for Rural Regional Economic Development: Bridging the Gap between Individual and Collective Interests | U of Guelph | 2013 |
Daniel Levay | Leisure in the Production of Social Capital: Evaluating Sport Participation as a Method for Increasing Volunteerism in Rural Communities | U of Guelph | 2013 |
Padrain O'Brien | Insurgent Planning in Brazil and Venezuela | U of Guelph | Ongoing |
Amina Yasin | Evaluating Best Practices in Regional Food Innovation and Economic Development Initiatives in Western Europe | U of Guelph | Ongoing |
Masters Major Paper Supervisor or Co-Advisor?
Student | Title | Institution | Completed |
Natalie Boyd | Rethinking Water Management and Reasons for Hope: A Case Study of Communal Water Management in Ladakh, India | St Mary’s U | 2007 |
Amélie Morel | Challenges and Opportunities in Post-Conflict? Development Planning: The Case of Burundi | U of Guelph | 2007 |
Glenn Shaw | International Non-Governmental? Organizations and the Business of Development: An Examination of the Third-Sector’s? Programming Value in Zambia | St Mary’s U | 2009 |
Angus Grant | The Process of Participatory Evaluation: Evaluation of the Anti-Human? Trafficking Prevention STEP UP Program of Visayan Forum Foundation, the Philippines | U of Guelph | 2009 |
Denise Tubino | The Quest for Socially Responsible Behaviour in Itabira: Not Just a Picture on the Wall | U of Guelph | 2009 |
Melanie Paradis | Meeting Basic Needs in Long-Term? Displacement Camps: best practices for water, sanitation, and waste management systems | U of Guelph | 2009 |
Andrea Nokleby | Follow-up in Indigenous Participation in Environmental Assessment of Major Resource Projects | U of Guelph | 2009 |
David Miller | Social Capital and Economic Development: The role of networks in communities | U of Guelph | 2009 |
Miriam Booy | Local Governance Approaches to Post-Conflict? Reconstruction: The Case of Aceh, Indonesia | U of Guelph | 2009 |
Jaime Ramos Duffaut | Assets Livelihood Changes in the Context of Mining Operations in Cajamarca – Peru | U of Guelph | 2010 |
Tristan Lefler | Successful Community-based Monitoring in Canada: Three Case Studies | U of Guelph | 2010 |
Kelly Paul | Framing Processes in Faith-based Mobilization for Development | U of Guelph | 2010 |
Elizabeth Nadruille Santos | Making North-South? value-chains work for small-scale producers: The Fair Trade Las Nubes coffee study in Costa Rica | U of Guelph | 2010 |
Emanuele Lapierre-Fortin | Weathering the perfect storm: How Two Citizens’ Groups are Building Resilience to Climate Change and Peak Oil in Ontario | U of Guelph | 2011 |
Colin Dring | Digging Deeper: An exploratory analysis of controlled tile drainage adoption in the South Nation Watershed, Ontario | U of Guelph | 2011 |
Marie-Claire? Doyle | Institional analysis of Ngala Village co-management arrangement | U of Guelph | 2012 |
Brock Bersaglio | Is food aid undermining traditional systems of Turkana social relations? An exploration of cultural decline in Northern Kenya | U of Guelph | 2012 |
Sakshi Puri | Producing for a billion: An examination of the public procurement of rice and wheat in Haryana, India | U of Guelph | 2012 |
Tina Ladu | Tobacco Multinationals: Examining the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility Schemes on Poverty Outcomes in the Global South | U of Guelph | 2012 |
Frances Dietrich-O’Connor | Post-development theory and its critics: A case study of small scale beekeeping development in Vietnam | U of Guelph | 2012 |
Katherine Kung | Exploring the Implications of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act 2012 on Public Participation | U of Guelph | 2013 |
Adam Wright | Impact and Benefit Agreements: The Role of Negotiated Agreements in the Creation of Collaborative Planning in Resource Development | U of Guelph | 2013 |
Anna Lim | Social Enterprises in Community Development: The Case of Sorosoro Ibaba Development Cooperative | U of Guelph | 2013 |
Masters Thesis or Major Paper Committee Member
Student | Title | Institution | Completed |
Janine de la Salle | Organic and Urban Agriculture in Havana | Dalhousie U | 2004 |
Kathy Palko | Shifting Environmental Costs: Plastics Recycling to China | St Mary’s U | 2005 |
Zoë Boutilier | Implementing Environmental Policy in Cuba: A Test of Eco-socialist Theory | St Mary’s U | 2005 |
Francois Levesque | Human Rights in Tunisia | Dalhousie U | 2005 |
Cecilia Unite | Non-Formal Education for Street Children: A Vietnam Case Study | St Mary’s U | 2006 |
Jill Murphy | Democracy and Social Movements: The Medical Strike in El Salvador | St Mary’s U | 2006 |
Linda Liutkus | Autonomous Indigenous Education in Ecuador | St Mary’s U | 2006 |
Abid Irfan | Factors that sustain and do not sustain Community-Based? Organizations in Rural Development Contexts: A Case Study of Community-Based? Organizations in North West Frontier Province Pakistan | U of Guelph | 2009 |
Leah Katerberg | Unrecognized Culture and the Failure of NGO Development Projects | U of Guelph | 2009 |
Aamir Irfan | Role of Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs) in Promoting Quality Education for All | U of Guelph | 2009 |
Meaghan Simms | Intersecting Risks, Intensified Vulnerabilities: Development-Induced? Displacement & Resettlement, Indigenous and Ethnic Minority Women and Sex Work in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic | St Mary’s U | 2010 |
Vanessa Lozecznik | The Role of Protests as Platforms for Action on Sustainability in the Kullu Valley, India | U Manitoba | 2010 |
Ana Rodriguez Seco | Cocoa Farming In Ghana: Understanding The Possibilities Of Redd In A Small Cocoa Landholding Landscape | U of Guelph | 2010 |
Gustavo de Oliveira | Explaining Mining Company and Community Relations in Paracatu, Brazil: Situational Context and Company Practice | U of Guelph | 2010 |
Kailea MacGillivray | A journey in community assessment: Needs and assets in San Jose Villanueva, El Salvador | U of Guelph | 2011 |
James Johnstone | Vulnerability of Run-of-River? Irrigation Scheme to Extreme Hydrological Conditions: A Case Study of the Bwanje Valley Irrigation Scheme, Malawi | U of Guelph | 2011 |
Joanna Kocsis | Extreme Weather, Climate Change and the Livelihoods of Hillside Households in Jesus de Otoro Valley, Honduras | U of Guelph | 2011 |
Cameron McCordic | The Use of Stigma as a Marker of Otherness by RTLM during the Rwandan Genocide | U of Guelph | 2012 |
Monica Walker-Bolton | Lessons from the Back to the Land Movement | U of Guelph | 2012 |
Kerry Ground | Corporate responsibility in a Globalizing World: Exploring stakeholder perceptions of mining in the Philippines | U of Guelph | 2012 |
Sarah Minnes | Ontario Source Water Protection Planning An Analysis of Theory, Policy and Practice | U of Guelph | 2012 |
Brittany Bruce | U of Waterloo | Ongoing | |
Erin Murphy-Mills | Community-based water monitoring and management: Examining community-based water monitoring programs and activities in Southern Ontario and Nova Scotia | Queen's | Ongoing |
PhD Advisor
Monika Korzun | U of Guelph | Ongoing | |
Gussai Sheikheldin | U of Guelph | Ongoing |
PhD Committee Member
PhD Qualifying Examination Committees
Silvia Sarapura | Integration and Participation of Indigenous Small-Scale? Female Producers in the Agricultural Innovative Market Chain Systems: A Matter of gender, agriculture, environment and innovation | U of Guelph | 2013 |